Thursday, 28 January 2010

Worst Home Designs

Normally, we like to celebrate great interior design, but today we're going to take a look at some of the most unpleasant home blunders around, from neon velour curtains to hideously chintzy sofas, and try to learn some valuable lessons from them.

Our first horrible home is this explosion of 70s excess, filled with over-the-top colours and horrendous clashes. Some of the furniture, such as the retro coffee table, may look good in a much less busy environment, but taken as a whole, this house is a migraine-inducing blizzard of optical confusion. Such bold and bright colours need to be contrasted with some plainer areas, to create a harmonious feel.

This home defines excess - how would you tone it down?

Could you get to sleep in this room?

Next up, the owners of this house have tried to stamp their personality all over their home, but only succeeded in creating a mess of poorly-thought through and hugely distracting features. First up is the conservatory, with its massive indoor rock garden and flimsy, unpleasant freestanding bar. Rather than go for such an ugly and inconveniently placed unit, the owners should have chosen a sideboard that could be moved to the side of the room if necessary. The indoor garden is bound to attract insects, and requires a great deal of maintenance, while the bar has not been designed with any kind of style in mind. The ugly pool table cover and zebra print rug don't do the room any favours either.

Would you like to spend time in here?

And now through to the bathroom - don't worry, that's paint on the walls. By attempting to create a homely, hand made look, the owners of this house have slipped up badly, and created a truly nauseous bathroom.

Don't worry, it's paint, but it's still unpleasant

Believe it or not, these kitchen cabinets aren't dirty - they've been rubbed with old teabags to give the impression of age, but the place looks smoke damaged. A distressed look can be stylish, but keep it subtle, and make sure it doesn't end up being just distressing.

This kitchen looks like a bomb has hit it

Our final home is in Mexico, and its owners obviously have a peculiar affinity for Louis Vuitton:

How would your neighbours react
if you did this to your home?

So what is the lesson here? All of these houses suffer from being too busy, and the owners have got carried away with implementing a style without considering how it actually looks. So, before you redecorate your home, consider your options carefully, and make sure that you come up with a careful plan that makes the best use of your space.

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