Saturday, 19 September 2009

Turn Your Wasted Garden Space Into Outdoor Rooms

All too often, large areas of your garden can go unused and unloved, so why not get creative and find a solution that turns these neglected areas into places where you and your family will really want to spend your time.

One great idea is to bring the outdoors indoors by creating a space that blends the cool, fresh outside world with the warmth and inviting relaxation of the inside of your home. Try putting up a shelter or roof, with sliding doors for rainy and windy days, and put some 'indoor' furniture in - a sofa and a wooden coffee table, for example. You'll instantly create a memorable and quirky new feature for your home, perfect for autumn coffee mornings, and a relaxed and meditative place for reading or rest.

So think about bringing the outdoors in, and you're sure to come up with a novel idea - maybe you'd love a garden sitting room with a tiered roof over it, hanging low so that you always have fresh air, even when it's raining. Just make sure that you take care to use an all-weather flooring material to ensure that your outside living room maintains its exceptional style.

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